WSHFC’s new Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) which provides up to $60,000 per qualified homeowner household to help those behind on their mortgage due to the pandemic.

Resources to share this resource with clients are here on WA HAF website.

Spread the word about FREE assistance to homeowners in your community. We’re launching the Washington State Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), which provides individual support and federal relief funds—up to $60,000 per household—to qualified Washington homeowners behind on their mortgages due to pandemic hardship. This program or project is supported, in whole or in part, by federal to the Washington State Housing Finance Commission by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. 

Any homeowner struggling to pay their mortgage (or homeowners with other housing-related questions) can call the Washington State Homeownership Hotline at 877-894-4663 and get FREE help to hopefully save their home.  


By admin