It is for youth ages 13-18. Here is a blurb about it:

July 11-17, 11AM-5PM Daily

Applications for Create 2022 are currently open. Click here to apply!

Location: El Rio Event Space (836 S Kenyon St Seattle, WA 98108)

Can play, joy, and creativity regenerate us, community, and this planet? Y-WE Create 2022 will focus on discovering ways to create and experience narratives of joy. Over the arc of the week, we will learn about how our creativity can build a practice of tending to ourselves and our communities. We will try on different techniques for grounding with intention and connecting with our somatic experiences. We will explore different artistic modalities for storytelling, play, and reflection as an avenue to cultivate joy in our lives.

Here is the event link: 

Tell your friends and fam! Very cool folks involved.


By admin